YWM2019 Invite
I was out hiking the other day… I know, big surprise. I was out solo, just with my own thoughts, and decided it was as good a time as any to maybe do a little video introduction to the Obesity Action Coalition and the annual convention, Your Weight Matters.
I talk a little bit about how I got involved with the OAC, and give some info on just what goes on during the convention.
Your Weight Matters 2019 (#YWM2019) takes place August 1-3, 2019 at the Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina in Tampa, Florida. Head over to ywmconvention.com to find out more about the agenda, speakers, register and more.
Early-bird Registration is through the end of May, and if you are in a situation where the finances are a bit tight, please check out the information on our Convention Scholarship Program. You have until April 30, 2023 to apply, with scholarships being awarded no later than May 24.
If you are able to, also please consider supporting the scholarship by making a donation. There’s no telling the positive impact your donation could help make for someone.
If you have any questions about the OAC or YWM Convention, leave a comment or reach out to me on social media, be sure to use #YWM2019 to tag your post.
Twitter: @mcnee Instagram: rportinga