YWM2014 - The Interviews Part 1

This is the first of what is going to be a number of audio posts, a collection of interviews I did during this years Your Weight Matters, the annual convention for the Obesity Action Coalition. I decided to just chat with folks to find out “Why Your Weight Matters”, what it was that brought them their for this event, and then later asking them what was sticking with them about the weekend.

Bear with me as you hear me ask the same questions over and over… instead focus on the some of the great messages from the folks I talked to. I also talked to a number of the vendors about the products they had and even got a chance to talk to some of the presenters. So take a listen!

First up was a quick chat with Sarah and Jill. Sarah was later named OAC Member of the Year, and you can find out more about her over at Born2lbFat.

Then I chatted with Tracy, Xena, Jera, & Lanie. Three of these ladies were locals from Florida.

Next up was Cassie. Cassie is an RD and she was responsible for the meal planning for the convention and she has a new blog, WLS Daily Plate, where she shares all sorts of great, healthy, recipes that are also bariatric patient friendly.

Following that was a conversation with Owner/Founder of Bariatric Pal - Alex Brecher. Bariatric Pal is a moderated, online support forum with around a quarter of a million members.

Jaimie Fivecoats has been a supporter of the OAC for a long time, and is currently one of the OAC Board Members.

There were a number of supplement vendors, one of the first I met up with was Jim. Jim is with one of the newest products out there, BariMelts.

Then rounding out this installment is Robanne Robin and Christine with the Stop Obesity Alliance. Robanne is a bariatric patient who has turned fitness trainer and author. You can find out more about her outreach and more at Get Your Strong On. Robanne also led some of the group exercise classes held this weekend. One of the things the Stop Obesity Alliance was sharing was Weigh In, their guide to discussion obesity with kids.

Heads up! I hope I properly identified the folks I talked to in each clip, but if I screwed something up, please! Let me know! And if you have a website or something to share and I don’t already have you linked, let me know so I can add that as well.

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