That One Thing
Some of you, like me, may be old enough to remember Billy Crystal in City Slickers and his conversations with Jack Palance’s character Curly about that “one thing”. That one thing that was the secret to a good life. Well, I don’t know if I can promise that for you here, but I think I have that “one thing” you can do that will at least in improve your health.
I urge you to view the following video by Dr. Mike Evans about the one thing anyone can do to improve their health, and all it is is basically “get up and move”. This video will show that even just walking for 30 minutes a day will do wonderful things for your health, no matter what your current situation is.
At the end of the video Dr. Evans asks a crucial question: “Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to just 23-1/2 hours a day?”
Dr. Evans has many or great videos on various health issues, so I’m sure I will find more of these to share with you.
Ha, just decided I was skipping the workout today. For me, I “move” a lot sometimes deciding to sit and not rush is “the one thing”.