Tagged: support

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Lessons Learned - Share Your Journey

Sometimes going solo is fine, but remember, we do not have to hike these paths alone. Share your journey with others, the good and the bad.


In My Own Words… (reblog)

another reblog from my early days of considering bariatric surgery. This time I’m going over my thoughts on just why I want to have surgery.


Upcoming Support Group: The Role of Weight Loss Medications

Our next online bariatric support group is coming up next week on Wednesday, December 12 at 8pm EST. In the last few years, a number of prescription weight loss medications have been approved by the FDA and we’ll take a...


Upcoming Support Group: Healthy Eating for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is coming, and following that we have Hanukkah, Christmas, Solstice and more… and many of these holidays seem to revolve around food. So coming up on Wednesday, November 14, for this month’s online bariatric support group I will be joined by...


Bariatric Support Group: The Importance of Support

This was our first online bariatric support group meeting, so why not start off with a discussion on the importance of support? We did just that with our guest, Katie Jay of the National Assocation of Weight Loss Surgery. We also...

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Looking for Bariatric Support? Hop Online With Us!

One of the things you hear from all sorts of folks involved in the world of bariatrics is that support is crucial. From the group and online aspects to programs such as Weight Watchers to the various support groups offered...


Walk From Obesity - Team Positively Healthy

Walk From Obesity - it’s an national walkathon event that takes place in your own community. Local organizations work with the ASMBS Foundation to produce these events to help raise awareness about disease of obesity and obesity treatment options. These...


Straight Talk - A review… of sorts

When I first had my surgery, the “bariatric community” was obviously much smaller than it is now. There were a few of the obvious places for folks to connect; obesityhelp.com, bariatricpal.com, and some other smaller forum based sites. Then of course...


YWM2014 - The Interviews Part 5

This is Part 5, and as it turns out the final group of interviews. There are a lot of folks in this one, it’s a bit longer than the rest, but it was either that or make two that were...


YWM2014 - The Interviews Part 4

Welcome to Part 4 of my interviews with folks who attended the Obesity Action Coalition 3rd Annual Convention – Your Weight Matters 2014. Starting out this round of interviews I talked with Laura Van Tuyl, she is a bariatric patient and...