Tagged: education


Walk From Obesity - Team Positively Healthy

Walk From Obesity - it’s an national walkathon event that takes place in your own community. Local organizations work with the ASMBS Foundation to produce these events to help raise awareness about disease of obesity and obesity treatment options. These...


YWM2014 - The Interviews Part 5

This is Part 5, and as it turns out the final group of interviews. There are a lot of folks in this one, it’s a bit longer than the rest, but it was either that or make two that were...


YWM2014 - The Interviews Part 4

Welcome to Part 4 of my interviews with folks who attended the Obesity Action Coalition 3rd Annual Convention – Your Weight Matters 2014. Starting out this round of interviews I talked with Laura Van Tuyl, she is a bariatric patient and...

YWM2014 – The Interviews Part 3 0

YWM2014 - The Interviews Part 3

Here’s the next installment of interviews I did at the Obesity Action Coalition 3rd Annual Convention - Your Weight Matters 2014. I’m not even half way through my audio files here. If you are waiting to hear the one where...