Lena Lake

The morning weather in Olympia was iffy, but as we drove up 101 it was just beautiful, and that carried over all along the trail. See my video for more, but overall was easy trek up to Lena Lake, though early morning when the snow patches were still frosted over, microspikes did help with overall traction.

We went up to the site of the washed out crossing, someone has put in a small log for getting across… not sure how long it will last though.

Lunch rock was busy, we stopped by the lake near the camp sites for our lunch and enjoyed watching a couple’s dog play in the water. Ice is just breaking free of the shore, leaving a few small gaps and is thin enough the dog was breaking it up easily.

A few small trees down along the trail here and there near the lake, nothing you can’t crawl over or under easily.

Skip to about 16:30 on the video if you just want to see the slideshow

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