Getting Reeger to Share Her Story - The WLS Podcast

Presenting Your Host, Reeger Cortel

Over the last 18 months or so, I’ve had the pleasure of going from being a guest, to being a contributing host here on the Weight Loss Surgery Podcast (WLSP). It was started by Reeger Cortel, FNP nearly three years ago now. One of the driving themes, and probably why it’s been as successful as it has been, is Reeger’s ability to just get people to share their story. And while she doesn’t recall it, ever since Reeger first asked me to work with her on this project, I’ve wanted to do an episode where we talked about her story. Well back in March, the WLSP hit a milestone, reaching 100,000 downloads via iTunes. So I decided that’s it, it’s time.

It took a bit of finagling our schedules to get a time together, but I think the end result is one you’ll enjoy. It’s a bit longer than the typical episodes, however I think you will find taking that extra time will really be worth it. The insight you’ll get in to the person behind this podcast that you all have been enjoying these last few years. I just couldn’t bear to edit any of this out.

Head on over to the Weight Loss Surgery Podcast and have a listen!

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4 Responses

  1. Found your site through a link to your “applesauce demonstration” on a Facebook group. I am so relieved to have found another man blogging about these issues. I will admit I was a little disappointed to find your “FFD” site is no longer up and running - I understand the fat shaming issues, but had really looked forward to reading about your earlier days post-bariatric surgery. I have recently converted my blog over from a gaming blog to one focused on my upcoming bariatric surgery (no date set yet), and with your permission, would like to have a link to your site from that blog. Thanks for the work you are doing here, I look forward to hearing back from you!

    • Rob Portinga says:

      I had not meant to let the domain lapse, the idea was going to be to keep the historical content up.. but I wasn’t paying attention. I do have a good chunk of the content from there available here, and will be looking for a way to maybe install the database of content from that site somewhere here. It just won’t be under that previous domain. It likely won’t happen before fall though.

  2. Amy Swayzee says:

    Rob enjoyed your episodes. You are a great inspiration. Hope to have the chance to meet you at the YWM conference in August.

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