Category: Audio


YWM2014 - The Interviews Part 1

This is the first of what is going to be a number of audio posts, a collection of interviews I did during this years Your Weight Matters, the annual convention for the Obesity Action Coalition. I decided to just chat...


For your listening pleasure… WLS Podcast

With everything else going on the last few weeks, I forgot to let you all know that I was on with Reeger Cortell as part of her Weight Loss Surgery Podcast a few Sunday’s ago. Reeger is a Family Nurse Practitioner at...

Stephen from Freewheel Bike 0

Radio Archive: Biking for Fun and Fitness

This show originally aired on august 13, 2023 My first actual show on The Wake Up Call was on Biking for Fun and Fitness. I was joined in studio by Stephen Cottrell from Freewheel Bike - who biked from Minneapolis to the studio...

Free Hugs 1

Radio Archive: Nutrition for the Body, Mind & Soul

This show originally aired on August 11, 2023 nu·tri·tion   [noo-trish-uhn, nyoo-] noun - 1. the act or process of nourishing or of being nourished. When it comes to nutrition, most people think food. And food is great way of nourishing the...