This show originally aired on November 30, 2023 This was originally part of a 3-hour long show we did as part of The Wake Up Call along with Food Freedom Radio. Today we teamed up with Laura and Karen of Food Freedom Radio to bring you...
This show originally aired on November 30, 2023 This was originally part of a 3-hour long show we did as part of The Wake Up Call along with Food Freedom Radio. Today we teamed up with Laura and Karen of Food Freedom Radio to bring you...
This show originally aired on November 30, 2023 This was originally part of a 3-hour long show we did as part of The Wake Up Call. Today we teamed up with Laura and Karen of Food Freedom Radio to bring you a special, THREE-hour, combined...
Yet another great video from Doc Mike Evans - this time he tackles the basics of Healthy Eating to try and distill just what is the “best diet”, one he put together with input from Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, another doc...
I really like oatmeal… I like whole grains in general. Quinoa has been one of my favorites for awhile. For an extended period of time, my go-to morning breakfast was a gruel made with a blend of various whole grains...
A bit over a year ago, I was interviewed by Reeger Cortell for an episode of her Weight Loss Surgery Podcast, and shortly thereafter, she asked if I would like to do some co-hosting with her. I’ve since done a...
This podcast originally debuted on November 14, 2023 This was one of a series of shows and podcasts I did as part of The Wake Up Call back in 2013. In this special podcast, Rob chatted with Dr. Andrew Litchy, ND from...
This show originally aired on November 12, 2023 This was one of the first shows I did as part of The Wake Up Call was way back in November of 2011. I was joined by the Director of Student Nutrition Services...
This podcast originally debuted on November 5, 2013 This was one of a series of shows and podcasts I did as part of The Wake Up Call back in 2013 As part of our series of shows on Kids & Food Allergies I...
“I used to snort coke, but I had to stop. The bubbles tickled my nose too much.” I originally wrote this for my personal site years ago. I updated it for another site about a couple years later after reading How to...